Hi PE students: each week I will be adding 1 or more TED videos to the blog for you to review.
You have the option of Choosing one (or both) and write about it in your course journal responses.
I will also be adding a discussion board feature to the course so that students can share/review other student comments...these talks can be very thought provoking! I am interested in how these ideas of inspiration may influence our own ideas and approaches to a healthy life / physical activity!
* there are also many interesting comments on the TED page by other TED watchers that you can review to give you more perspective.
Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days link: http://go.ted.com/ryC
Matt Cutts, an engineer at Google, explains how trying just one new thing every day for a month was a fun, rewarding, and eye-opening experience for him. Have you always wanted to try yoga, kickboxing, or maybe golf? Cutts says 30 days is long enough to form a habit and stick with it, but short enough that you won’t go crazy if you eventually dislike it.
Ben Saunders: Why Bother Leaving the House? link: http://go.ted.com/ryD
Ben Saunders is an extreme polar explorer — in fact, he was the youngest person ever to ski to the North Pole. And this year, he’s going to attempt to walk from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole (and back again). In this talk, he explains why apps and living room workouts deprive us of the “meat of life,” found only in the great outdoors. No need to live by yourself in the arctic like Saunders, but his talk might inspire you to rediscover the joy in exercising outdoors.