It certainly makes sense to create a course structure where students can do this. It does present challenges for the teacher and students and my plan is to jump in and go for it even if I don't have a precise plan figured out yet. This is an Inquiry Learning project for me! I will present a number of options and ask you to take more direction for your own learning. This also requires a common process where students document their learning in the various stages of Inquiry (Inquiry Learning Journal in PE 10.)
I also value the input of students in my learning project (how to transform this course into an Inquiry learning course) and look forward to your ideas / suggestions and feedback along the way.
So thank you and let's do this!
PE STUDENTS: Inquiry learning is about deeper learning in an area of personal interest that connects to the curriculum. What are some topics that interest you in relation to physical activity and performance? How can we use technology to help pursue health and activity/performance goals? What are some questions you have about Inquiry learning in relation to your PE experience?