6 Warm-Up Moves You Can Do Before Any Workout
Warm-ups aren't just important for loosening up your muscles; they also start to elevate your heart rate and create more mobility in your joints, Kennedy says. That's why dynamic warm-ups that require fluid movement through active stretches are preferable to static stretching (e.g., touching your toes and holding for 30 seconds).
Our body also needs time to prepare for bigger bouts of work, which means that 60 seconds of jumping jacks won't cut it. The smarter strategy? Spend 5 to 8 minutes warming up your body and moving your joints through their fullest range of motion, Kennedy says.
With that in mind, she gave us six highly effective, do-anywhere moves that will prime you for your best workout ever. Trust us, your body will thank you later.
How it works: Perform each move in order for 60 seconds, without stopping between moves. The entire warm-up will take 6 minutes.
SAIL PE Students: What do you typically do for your warm up? ARe your activities static or dynamic or a combination? How does the type of activity( i.e. intensity) you are doing affect your choice/needs for a warm up? Have you done any research into what is an effective warm up? made any pins on your pinterest? Would you like to try this warm up? If so what was your experience like?