Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Benefits of Fitness Fusion

What Is Fitness Fusion?  By Paige Waehner
Fitness fusion is pretty much the fitness industry's way of beating boredom when it comes to exercise. No more 3 sets of this exercise and 2 sets of that.  No more running for an hour and lifting weights the next day.  No more separation of cardio and strength or even stretching and core work. 
Now, we're combining things, sometimes in crazy ways.
Forget riding on a stationary bike for an hour--why not try Cycle Karaoke or trying weight training while you're on a treadmill?

The Benefits:

  • Target a variety of aspects of fitness like strength, balance, stability, core strength, agility, endurance and more, making your workouts more functional
  • Combining moves from a variety of disciplines like yoga, pilates, boot camp, cardio, strength and more keeps your body and mind constantly challenged
  • Keep you from getting bored
  • Challenge your muscles in different ways
  • Provide fast, effective workouts for people with busy schedules
  • Offer new ways to exercise and continually improve your strength, fitness, and overall conditioning
PE STUDENTS:  In what ways do you currently have "fitness fusion" in your exercise activities? In what ways could you combine/add/ revise your current approach to add more "fitness fusion" Open the Link below and review/try out at least one of the suggested workouts.  Write about your experience in a PE Blog post response in your module: Which workout(s)?  how did you complete/adapt the challenge?  What did you like and/or not really like about it? How has this experience /knowledge affected your outlook about exercise. How could you add more "fitness fusion" to your weekly exercise routine?