Friday, February 3, 2012

Mobile PE Apps

Here is a blogpost from a PE teacher in Wales (part of the U.K. / Britain...west of England) that reviews the use of Map my Fitness: a mobile app for fitness tracking.

"On researching such software I have come across many tools which are both web based and app based for handheld devices (i.e. iPod touch). One such app is the Map my Fitnessapp which is part of a family of apps including map my walk and map my run. The following is my opinion on what features of this tool may be for a school based PE programme.
The app is available on iOS, android and blackberry as well as being web based. This means students could log activities using their own handheld devices or one’s supplied within school if students are not allowed their own devices in school. However they could also log activity using computers in or out of school. This could be beneficial if you are asking students to log all of their physical activity, both in and out of school."
more click here:

The use of mobile apps in Physical Education is a growing trend and one that I am interested in exploring for Surrey Connect P.E..
Students can  click on the various links + google the suggested apps to find out more.  Write a summary for your reflection journal comment(s)....try one out and write about some more research and provide some other ideas and recommendations.  What are your ideas about how an app can be used within the current structure of the Surrey Connect P.E. course you are taking?  How could/should the course be changed or adapted to allow for the greater use of a mobile apps?

 * feel free to also reply right here on my blog with your comment!

 this is a reply post to the BLOG above
"Great post, I must recommend the following sports tracking app that coupled with a Ant+ dongle allows for heart rate tracking also. 
The best feature about this is that the app reports data live to a URL meaning observations can be made live about performance.
It allows for live tracking of all metrics as well as skin temp and breathing rate via additional hardware. Simple incredible"

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