Do you remember doing Jump Rope for Heart in elementary school? Rope jumping is often associated with younger kids but it is a good tool for workouts... particularly a good cardio option for a strength circuit.
Here is an an excellent cardio/strength circuit that you can keeps your heart rate up consistently (cardio benefits) + offers a total body strength workout.
The circuit can be done with any cardio interval activity like step ups...exercise bike...light jog...elliptical...and even the skipping motion with an imaginary skip rope.
Try it out and write about it in your reflection journal! Write about how / when you have skipped in the past...any future plans to try it?
skipping tips: don't try to skip too fast and jump too high...slow down your tempo so it is a comfortable pace...add a little knee bounce to keep your rhythm as you move the rope over your head so you can go at a manageable pace.
I totally agree with this article because I use skipping to warm up for exercising. The skip rope really gets you warm fast before stretching, exercising and figure skating!