Thursday, January 29, 2015

more yoga (15 mins worth!)

Hi PE students: 
Here is a short Yoga video that would work great for anytime...lately I have been doing 10 mins of yoga at the end of my workouts and I like it!
I am going to try this video out.  I think it is good for the yoga rookies out there and for people that may want to work yoga into their regular exercise program in a smaller doses and still do an assortment of the basic moves.

 Try it out and tell me what you think.


  1. I have never taken yoga but i am interested in incorporating it into my daily fitness routine. I think it would be beneficial to my dance activities which require balance strength and flexibility. I look forward to trying some yoga in my next workout.

  2. I think doing yoga in the morning is a great way to start your day, because you're already relaxed, calm, and with more energy to start your day. I also think I should be doing yoga before an exercise to not lose my breath so quickly and to have better control over my body.

  3. I really liked this sequence - it really feels good to open all your muscles and joints and stretch them out. I think this could be called a dynamic stretch! I am not a morning person and I don't like to exercise in the morning but I can see why this would be good to do when you wake up. I just use it as a warm up for my other workouts.

  4. I really liked this sequence. It makes you feel like you are opening up all your muscles and joints. I can see that it would be a good sequence to do in the morning. I don't usually like to workout in the morning - I'm not a morning person, so I like to do this as a dynamic warm up before other workouts.

  5. This is better than the routine I was following, which only has 6 poses ._. (Seriously, it takes like 5 mins)

  6. Never done this before but on trying it, the experience was very enjoyable to some extent.

  7. I have never done this before but after trying it, the experience was some what enjoyable.

  8. Never done this before but on trying it, the experience was very enjoyable to some extent.

  9. I do yoga frequently, so this was pretty easy for me, but I enjoyed going back to the basics like this. It was very relaxing, not worrying too much about a form that my body has already memorized and it let me just float.

  10. I would definitely try this when doing my activity logs. I love how simple and easy the poses are and I've always wanted to try yoga. My old grade 7 teacher loved doing yoga and so she taught us (the class) some simple yoga poses which made me feel really cool and relaxed.

  11. I do yoga and it is relaxing and it improves flexiblity

  12. So, I was trying to find a Blog Post that I had not yet responded to last year or this year. Since I just wrote a post about wanting to try yoga out this weekend, I decided this post that features a video would be a good choice for me.

    Yoga is great for stress reduction which is what I will be focussing on. It seems like you need to be very flexible, so maybe yoga would be helpful for me in the long run, but for now, I will have to modify some of the poses.

    I have previously mentioned that I really like videos because it's easier to understand what you're supposed to do if you can see it. I think this is especially true with a new activity. I do not really know that much about yoga, although I think we did some in grade 8 at SAIL.

    I'll be honest, I'm not sure that I have the temperament for yoga because you are supposed to block everything else out. I am a multi-tasker and it would be hard for me to only do yoga. Usually, when I am in the gym, I am also watching a videocast or maybe catching up on tv. That's probably why I should try yoga though. So I just stop everything. I will post about my experiences in an upcoming activity blog post.

  13. I learned yoga in my previous school, but I have long time didn't do it. This video is a good exercise to me, I can re-exercise my body.
