Friday, November 27, 2015

What makes muscles grow?

What makes muscles grow? - Jeffrey Siegel

We have over 600 muscles in our bodies that help bind us together, hold us up, and help us move. Your muscles also need your constant attention, because the way you treat them on a daily basis determines whether they will wither or grow. Jeffrey Siegel illustrates how a good mix of sleep, nutrition and exercise keep your muscles as big and strong as possible.  LInk to youtube clip below

PE STUDENTS: Think about the factors in your life that affect your muscle growth.  What could you do to help produce more muscle growth?
consider: types/variety of exercise, amount of stress(loads) over time, nutritional and sleep factors.

want too dig deeper?     Additional Resources for you to Explore


  1. I found this video really helpful, often times as a femaleI get frustrated when my hard work isn't shown physically, this video did a really good job showing how genetics play into the big picture. I really liked how he explained how muscles are built through tearing and how not using them causes them to reverse that action. Super informative and helped motivate me to incorporate more strength training in my daily workouts!

    1. Most Definitely. This is video great gives very helpful insight and inspiration.

  2. If distributing the effort throughout the body puts less pressure on a certain part, isolating that part should help it grow stronger, correct?

    1. good point..but since we exercise to improve our regular functional body movement, the theory is to perform exercises that engage multiple muscles...cause that's what we do in real life. Plus the more practice they (the various muscles groups) have in working together to deal with stress challenges , then the thinking is that you are better prepared for those challenges.

  3. This video proved to be exceedingly enlightening as it explained the complex necessities required for muscle growth. I myself have experienced frustration with not seeing dramatic physical changes, but this video has managed to inform me as to why that may be. I found this video to be helpful and easy to understand.

  4. This video proved to be both enlightening and educational as it explores the necessities required for adequate muscle growth. I myself have experienced frustration when my physical appearance does not reflect my strenuous daily physical activity, but this video has managed to provide explanations as to why that may be. This video was very informative and overall easy to understand.

  5. This video proved to be exceedingly enlightening as it explained the complex necessities required for muscle growth. I myself have experienced frustration with not seeing dramatic physical changes, but this video has managed to inform me as to why that may be. I found this video to be helpful and easy to understand.

  6. This video was helpful. I damaged my piriformis muscle, it was important to give it the rest it needed to heal but equally important to get back into activity to build the muscle back up, I take my stretching very serious.

  7. This video is very informative and helpful, especially s someone who has torn a muscle before. I enjoyed how in depth it went into how not using muscles and genetics can cause your muscles to shrink. Not seeing a change as quickly as some of my guy friends do is certainly frustrating, but now I at least understand why!

  8. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle. For me, that means that I exercise as a normal way of living and I eat healthy foods. In the future, I may have to do more planning and schedule regular work-outs, but right now, I exercise every day--even more in the summer. I ride a bike to work now, because I only have my L. When I get my N, I know that I will drive, so I will have to think more about cardio, perhaps. Because our family is very active though, I know that I will continue to do things like swim, kayak, scuba dive, and ski regularly. We all go for walks as a way to catch up (or sometimes for me, to review test material).
    I think that I will always be interested in my physique, so training with weights will probably be something that I continue. I see my parents do this, so I probably will too. I also think that nutrition is important. My mom oversees that now, so it will be something that I will need to think about in the future. I have developed a love for healthy food though. As far as sleep goes, I do like to sleep! I have to turn my phone in at 9:30 so that I won't be tempted to stay up later than I should. Right now, I am not that disciplined!

  9. Some of the factors that contribute to my muscle growth is my swimming and going to the gym. Ever since I have started swimming I notice more definition in my core and legs. My arms and back have for sure gotten bigger and stronger. When I go to the gym I focus on specific muscles and when I work on that area a lot and am consistent I can notice a difference in strength and size. To produce more muscle growth I could defiantly eat more protein and be more consistent. I need to continue to work on the muscle group so I can only get stronger and bigger not weaker and smaller.

  10. I understand now why my boyfriend and guys in general muscles grow faster. I was more understanding to hvae visuals and examples. I belive muscle growth for my body will come from me going to the gym and not taking big breaks as well as keeping up with my sleep so my brain and muscles can recover and have time to relax/ Also eating proper nutrition with protein. Working muscles groups consistantly will result in me growing bigger not weaker as my muscles will adapt to a constant workout.

  11. I understand now why my boyfriend and guys in general muscles grow faster. I was more understanding to hvae visuals and examples. I belive muscle growth for my body will come from me going to the gym and not taking big breaks as well as keeping up with my sleep so my brain and muscles can recover and have time to relax/ Also eating proper nutrition with protein. Working muscles groups consistantly will result in me growing bigger not weaker as my muscles will adapt to a constant workout.

  12. I can build muscle by doing more strength (anaerobic) exercises and cardio (aerobic) exercises. Strength exercises build muscles because they put a load on the body such as weights like dumbbells.This forces muscle fibers to grow and adapt to lifting the weight. The reason that cardio exercises can make muscles grow is because it supplies the fibers w/ oxygen. To a lesser extent, flexibility exercises can also cause muscle growth since it lengthens the muscles. I also need to eat a protein only diet amnd sleep well to grow muscles.
