Thursday, November 3, 2016

63 Must-Read Food, Fitness, and Happiness Blogs for 2016

FROM GREATIST:  They're keeping it real (no #fitspo here), using science to back up claims, always staying positive and inspiring, and delivering content we can't stop reading and sharing.  We went after blogs that address interesting and timely issues and feature useful, upbeat (but never in an annoying way) posts that reflect Greatist's mission of making healthy living a little bit easier and a lot more fun.
Note: Blogs are arranged in no particular order. The first entry in each section is no better than the last entry.
SAIL P.E. STUDENTS:  Do you currently follow/read any specific health and fitness blogs? Browse through the link(s) above or below to see if there are any blogs that look interesting to you.  Explore one or more blogs and write about what you came across.  Are there some that you would lie to explore further and why?  Are there any specific blogs that you are going to follow?  What tool will you use to follow?  Did you find any specific blog post that is an example of some new info or perspective that you can apply to your heathy living plan?


  1. There are so many blogs to check out, I first went to the food section and found really creative ways to make foods with minimal ingredients. Nom Nom Paleo is a cool blog with a cute character who gives tips and advises. The Green Kitchen blog has pictures of food that look so natural yet tasty. The fitness blog not only has types of fitness's but also tips and advice's on any injuries and also reasons for why you should do things. The body blogs are really cool though some are super weird talking about unusual things. One blog that caught my eye is about sunscreen and how it might be causing cancer. It's really interesting because I feel very lucky that I don't get sunburns easily and I don't use sunscreen unless the weather is really harsh. There is so much info you need to remember before buying and applying sunscreen or the skin will be damaged even more. The life section has many blogs on love and relationships, nothing interesting for me there. Overall the website is filled with many blogs and topics which can hardly be summarized in just one paragraph.

  2. I chose to respond to one of your specific questions:

    Did you find any specific blog post that is an example of some new info or perspective that you can apply to your healthy living plan?

    I am not really in a position to regularly check blogs (no extra time!), but I do consult two health/fitness websites when I have a question. I will discuss them below. Since your original post is from 2016, I decided to check to see if there was an update. Then I thought that something pertaining to men (or teenage boys) would be more appropriate. I found out that many so-called "health and wellness" blogs are geared toward women and are really about how they look rather than presenting scientifically defensible health information.

    I think that a lot of people my age just google specific information that they are looking for rather than follow a blog. That's what I do for health and fitness anyway. Because I have been happy with the Men's Health books that I have purchased, I sometimes check out their website. Even though Lance Armstrong suffered an embarrassing fall from grace, his website, Livestrong is still a good reference for health and wellness.

    When I looked at the site that you mentioned from The Greatist, I decided to look at the blogs that concerned happiness. To work on my Active and Healthy Living goal (and build my Pinterest page), I am looking for stress-reduction or zen-type references, so I decided to look at the Zen Habits blog. There are several posts about procrastination. I will read those and see if there are any hints that I could use. I procrastinate a lot and I also seem to keep doing things that I like instead of the things that I need to do. The formula for success seems easy:

    -- do a few things that need to be done
    -- reward myself with things that I like to do

    I just have to stop procrastinating and try some of the ideas that they mention!

  3. I do not follow any health diets at the moment however I do watch what I’m eating. I’ve come across many blog posts about healthy diets and is to make healthy snack but I’ve never had time or wanted to actually try them. I’m interested in smoothies, smoothies to me are healthy and filling, u can add protein powder and kale amd bananas and make it taste really yummy and still have it be healthy. Smoothies are a very good after workout or before workout snack. They will you up very well and keep you full until you’re next meal.
