Monday, January 6, 2014

The Best And Worst Health Trends Of 2013 

By K. Aleisha Fetters
Each year comes with its own unique brand of health trends. Some wind up being passing fad diets, while others prove surprisingly on point. The key to healthy living is knowing which trends are worth your time. To that end, here are the year's shape-up and slim-down trends we'd like to forget -- and the ones we hope will stick around into 2014.
PE Students:Review the best and worst trends from this past year (according to this person!) and comment in your journal...anything you have tried or would like to try.
also check out the slideshow at the stuff to do to get fit!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really interesting that the health trends of 2013 are still wildly popular today in 2018, 5 years later. Such as veganism, water workouts, fun runs, hot classes and very unsustainable diets. I personally was vegan for 10 months a year ago and i love the movement and the passion, but some things didn't work for me such as finding things to eat while out with my friends, or going to family get togethers while they all judge me and even some corporations such as peta hit me wrong. I still enjoy the casual water workout and i think it's an exciting way to workout and isd overall just really enjoyable. I didn't know that hot classes weren't necessarily better for you than regular workout classes, because even today there is a certain push and general knowledge that they "release toxins from your body" which when thought about is kinda ridiculous. i think a major problem today is the diets pushed down young girls and boys throats that tells them to not eat so they can be "beautiful" and they are just unhealthy, unsustainable and cause eating disorders and confidence issues for the rest of their lives.
