PE Students: Think about your attitude and interest in physical activity. How does your past/present/future influence what you would like to do and learn in your SAIL PE course?
...and how can the teacher and the course organization/requirements/options help you find success?
I guess part of this answer is also related to the question: What do you think is the purpose of Physical Education? for society...for you? Suggestions on how it can be organized in schools?
It would be interesting to see some comments posted in this blog and to share ideas.
here is one defintion
I have always been involved in physical activity of some kind, but for different reasons. When I was little I didn't think about it as being for health just for fun. I did not think dance, or swimming or gymnastics was working out I just liked it. I got kind of chubby in elementary school and then I learned that I could change my body with diet and exercise. My mom never let me diet but she did teach me about eating healthy and lifting weights. I still love team sports and I enjoy working out but I also know that health is important. My whole family works out, even my grandparents I think it makes you feel better.
ReplyDeleteI liked tis bog post because in the 3 reasons all learning is personal. The first one really caught my attention. Just because I have many experiences with physical activity. I’ve played many sports throughout my life. Every experience has made it easier to learn in P.E.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young, I was somewhat interested in physical education, simply because we played games in elementary school as the PE course and we never really had any sort of tests for PE. But, as I entered high school, my PE teacher was someone who was somewhat strict and we had 'tests' such as mile runs. They were not very intriguing so my attitude towards PE decreased. As I did not have such a wonderful experience in PE, I would like to learn more about physical activity instead of just numbers and scores, and not be forced to do something that I do not enjoy doing. The teacher and the course organization can help me to find success through using a simple format that is east to follow and having all of the attached documents in pdf forms as it is a lot easier to open with the accurate format of the tables or grids. The purpose of Physical Education for both the society and me is to keep us healthy so that out boy would not collapse as easily while giving us joy in doing physical activities. PE can be organized in schools where the teachers listens to some opinions of students to keep them interested in what they are doing everyday, instead of just doing whatever the teacher orders them to do.
ReplyDeleteI do not like PE. That is a given, at this point in the assignment. I've had very negative experiences with PE teachers who have told me I'm lying about being unable to participate, then force me to participate, then, when I faint due to my participation, get mad at me for "not telling them I couldn't participate" its just a terrible cycle. However, for most people in society I believe that PE is a necessary evil and helps expand both social skills (team building, networking, etc) and bodily limits. In this way, I believe that the overall mentality brought
ReplyDeleteabout by PE classes prepare one for the outsdide world, bit it negative or positive.
i have always liked physical activity as a young kid, i was out playing street hockey and always running around playing soccer was my main thing. throught elemerty school i still stayed active and enjoyed what i could play and participate in. then came along highschool. i was not aloud to particapate in PE during highschool up until now because it is a manditory course. i also had to give up my soccer career due to my condition and was not able to play in the sports i wanted to eg; football, wrestling and rugby. But that never stopped me i started working out and putting time and effort into fitness and i have come a long way since then. i run track which i really enjoy and there is a low injury risk as well so thats a plus. for the future i am commiting to stay as active as i am now by motivting myself and others around me to take care of there health and fitness.
ReplyDeleteI believe P.E is something you do for yourself. If you can't find the motivation to make yourself wake up early in the morning to go out and complete physical activity, then you won't do it. Same goes for anything. There will be no passion there. Personally, I always try to always throw myself into everything I do. With P.E, I do it to keep myself healthy for my future. Whether that means being able to chase my grandchildren, or waterski when I'm 90. Doing an online course can help me tailer the activities to my passions.
ReplyDeleteI feel like my attitude towards physical activity is that it depends but mainly its that i don't want to workout before i do, during my workouts its not the best but also is hahah and after i feel GREAT. sometimes im super excited to exercise like when its a sport i like, or swimming in a lake or biking around on a gorgeous day but thats because im outside and with others and enjoying my day its not a chore but an event. I think in my past i didnt realize the enjoyment in physical activity and how it can be fun while also working out if you do it in a way that correlates with things you already love. I think this course has forced me to stick to a schedule and workout consistently not just when i feel like it because most of the time i don't feel like it. I think schools nedd to bring the fun back into exercise, i actually quite enjoyed pe at my school we played games and switched it up a lot and went to the park often and it was quite enjoyable yet they had aspects that i didn't like that were really stressful and not right for me. I think physical Education is sooo important for people to be healthy and strong and to teach their future generations as well and pass down positive vibes for pe to everyone so its not a burden but fun and everyone can be better versions of themselves. and understand the steps to reach their fitness goals in a safe way.
ReplyDeleteInquiry Learning is a great way to learn and research whatever physical activity, sport, sport nutrition/diet, physical limits and what interest each individual. Not a real sports type person, but I do like inner self awareness, Yoga and show jumping (horseback riding). Love to walk and hike in nature and explore my city and province. Injury prevention and speedy recovery or how to properly deal with sport injuries also interests me.