Wednesday, December 4, 2013


try out a new approach to your run workouts!

I’m a CrossFitter, nut butter enthusiast, and lover of early mornings. I am relatively new to the world of fitness, having discovered in my mid-20’s...
There’s something special about being so excited to go running that you count the minutes until you can leave work, lace up, and hit the pavement. But no matter how much you’re in love with running, it takes a little effort to keep the relationship fresh. “If you want to make progress and still keep it fun, variety is going to be crucial,” says Jason Fitzgerald, an elite marathoner, running coach, and founder
Before a favorite neighborhood route starts to feel ho-hum, mix in one of these 18 runs to keep things fun and challenging. Each one can be modified for runners of any fitness and experience levels. Many of the workouts require a set distance, but you don’t need access to a track. Websites and apps like MapMyRun and USA Track & Field make it easy to map distance so you can do these workouts anywhere.


P.E. students: What are your thoughts on running as part of your exercise program? What is your previous life experiences with running?   Do you avoid it, tolerate it, like it or love it? What is the approach you do now?  Look through these options and consider trying something different  and write about the experience as a reflection response.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

7 Workout Habits You Should Drop Now

By Jennifer Cohen
Are you spending hours working out every week, and not getting the results you want? Chances are you might have a bad habit or two when it comes to exercising. Never fear, there's a quick fix for even the most ingrained workout no-nos. Check out these seven workout habits you should drop: they will help you become a more efficient exerciser.

PE Students: Review the web article (link above) and watch the video below to learn more about exercise choices and routines. Think about your approach and does this information provide some insight into how you can improve your approach?

* it is also interesting to review some of the comments (click the green comment button on the site) to see what others think about this article.  Do you agree/disagree with any of the comments?  Very interesting!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

tabata trainingHigh-Intensity Tabata Training Deemed An Effective Workout, Study Says

By Sarah Klein,
October 10th, 2013

The time-friendly Tabata trend began with the Japanese speed skating team. Head coach Irisawa Koichi had been asking players to follow a training routine that involved alternating short periods of high intensity work with even shorter periods of rest. He asked training coach Izumi Tabata to analyze how effective this setup was. The work resulted in a ground-breaking 1996 study that measured substantive fitness gains after just six weeks of four-minute workouts consisting of 20 seconds of intense cycling followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Similarly high-intensity workouts have skyrocketed in popularity of late, resulting in claims that you only have to exercise for shorter and shorter increments to achieve maximum results.
“There is no such thing as a miracle workout,” ACE Chief Science Officer Dr. Cedric Bryant said in a statement. “While Tabata-inspired workouts are shorter, they are also extremely tough. This study showed that fit participants perceived the workout as hard, therefore these type of workouts could be demotivating or too challenging for those not as accustomed to strenuous bouts of exercise.”
PE students:  click on the link above and  go to the comments section (scroll all the way down) for a range of perspectives and examples of how various individuals might use a Tabata approach for their exercise program. 
 Have you tried a Tabata style workout? why or why not? What was your experience like? How can a Tabata approach be adjusted for various fitness levels?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Treadmill Workouts

Treadmill Workouts

PE students: Many Surrey Connect PE students choose the treadmill  as a cardio component in their exercise program.  Most fitness experts agree that you can achieve better fitness results by using the intensity interval approach.  The link below offers many treadmill interval options/routines for you to browse through.

Comment in your journal on how you use the treadmill and whether you currently use an interval approach.  Try out some of the interval routines on the pinterest link and write about it in your reflections.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

50 Bodyweight exercises

Posted by Laura Schwecherlon March 6, 2012
Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Body weight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, we've covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone.
 See more at:   LINK:50-bodyweight-exercises-you-can-do-anywhere

PE students: Strength workouts don't need to be in the gym or with what's holding you back?  Many PE students focus too much time on cardio and not enough on strength.  So here is a great resource to help you expand your knowledge and try out a variety of strength activities that can be done anywhere..print out a copy for reference.
 Review these options and try some out!  document in your log/reflection journal.

Friday, October 4, 2013

17 Science-Backed Ways To Bust Out Of A Workout Rut

2013-02-19-GreatistLogo.jpg"There's something just as comforting about tucking yourself in bed after a long, stressful day, as there is about settling into a workout routine. After all, who doesn't feel awesome when they've mastered something that was once a huge challenge? While we completely support that sense of accomplishment   (great job, guys and gals!), sticking to the same old workout routine can hinder results. Kick a stale routine to the curb -- and pump up your progress -- with these 17 rut-busting strategies."             Posted by Alexandra Duron

P.E. students: go to the link provided to browse through  17 ideas to help energize your approach to personal fitness...also some good tips on how to stay motivated to keep it going!

Choose a topic that you are interested and try it out and/or comment in your reflection journal.

Mr. Avery

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Surprising Science Behind Sleep And Exercise

The Surprising Science Behind Sleep And Exercise

By Emily Faherty
Believe it or not, tossing and turning in the middle of the night is not a suitable form of exercise. But studies suggest making time for an actual workout during the day could be key to a better night's sleep. The trick is being patient: According to recent research, exercising consistently can lead to improvements in sleep over time, but not immediately.
PE students: do you get enough sleep? how do you know how much you need? How does exercise affect your ability to get a better sleep? When do you exercise during the day? Do you find any changes in your sleep patterns connected to when you exercise?  Ask a family member/ friend how exercise impacts the quality of their sleep.  Has this course had any affect on your sleep quality/patterns?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 and Pinterest!

Hey PE students!

I am always thinking about and researching for new ideas to personalize the Surrey Connect PE experience.
My role as your teacher is not to provide all the information and tell you what to learn , but to help you explore the incredible amount of info available and to make connections with your active...and learn!  For the PE student, these sites offer access to sources + provide a tool to explore, gather, and share their own "boards"...a personalized process of learning!

Question:  How can these sites be used within Surrey Connect P.E. courses?   (as users and/or builders) for-learning.aspx

What are you going to learn?  How are you going to learn it? How are you going to show your learning?  How can you collaborate with other students?  

Comment right here in this blog so others can build on your ideas!
..also can make comments in your course journal response.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

3 fitness apps to turn your smartphone into a personal trainer

3 fitness apps to turn your smartphone into a personal trainer

PE Students: Click this link to view a video on 3 recommended smartphone apps.  Do you already use one of these or any other exercise app?  Reflect on how you use your phone to help with your fitness and/or try one of these apps out and report back on your experience!

Nutrition and Exercise

Heather Bauer, RD, CDN

Morning, Noon or Night: The Proper Way to Eat and Workout

PE students: When do you like to exercise in the day? Review this article to learn more about the timing of your eating in relation to your exercise and respond with what works for you and/or what you might try..

Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Summer!

Summer Solstice Quotes: 11 Sayings To Celebrate Summer

Summer Solstice Quotes
Happy first day of summer everyone!
check out these Summer quotes
PE students: what summer quote do you like?  What activities do you look forward to and plan to do this summer  for your PE  hours?  A reminder that if you plan out your activity (i.e. the course activity planner) then  you have a better chance of being regularly active & achieve a balanced exercise program.  Yes you are building your own personalized program!
FYI:  these are my summer hours at Surrey Connect:     July 2-18 & Aug 6-22          9:30-2:30 mon-thur
orientation sessions:              PE10 tuesdays at 1 pm               PE11/12 thursdays at 1 pm

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training Is Time-Efficient and 

Effective, Study Suggests

 The usual excuse of "lack of time" for not doing enough exercise is blown away by new research published in The Journal of Physiology.

The study, from scientists at Canada's McMaster University, adds to the growing evidence for the benefits of short term high-intensity interval training (HIT) as a time-efficient but safe alternative to traditional types of moderate long term exercise. Astonishingly, it is possible to get more by doing less!
"We have shown that interval training does not have to be 'all out' in order to be effective," says Professor Martin Gibala. "Doing 10 one-minute sprints on a standard stationary bike with about one minute of rest in between, three times a week, works as well in improving muscle as many hours of conventional long-term biking less strenuously."  
read more at at:
PE students: I often encourage students to use interval training to add more intensity to their exercise activities. This article above reminds us that it is not only targeted at elite competitors ...anyone can do it who is able to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities.  Explore one or more of the links below and try to add some form of the HIIT training approach into your activity...and then write about it in your reflection journal



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast MistakesHealthy Breakfast Tips: Avoid These Morning Mistakes


By Keri Gans for U.S. News Health
Many of my patients admit to skipping breakfast with this excuse: Whenever they eat in the mornings, they wind up feeling much hungrier than if they hadn't eaten at all. Sound familiar? My nutrition intuition tells me that they're not feeling hungry because they ate breakfast, but rather, because they ate the wrong breakfast. 

PE students:  Describe your approach to breakfast and comment on any of the examples / ideas / suggestions from either of the two links provided.  What improvements/ideas will you/did you take away and try out?

Healthy Breakfast Ideas: What Fitness Experts Eat In The Morning             

Friday, April 12, 2013

protein options

"Whether it’s fueling up before hitting the gym or taking a mid-day snack break to avoid the 2 o’clock lull, high-protein snacks are the tastiest way to keep on going. Protein snacks are the perfect way to fill up just enough, and give us longer-lasting energy than the usual, carb-heavy options. Here are 31 of our favorite protein-packed snacks — one for every day of the month! We promise you won’t get sick of any of these choices."

P.E. students:  How much protein do you eat in a typical day and what are your sources?  After viewing this list of options are there any that you would like to try?  Share/review this list with whoever does most of the food shopping in your house so you can continue to find new  healthy sources for your daily protein needs..and  share your thoughts/experiences in your reflection journal.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lauren Boggi

10 Misconceptions About Working Out

PE students: go the link provided, review the ideas in this article and reflect on any of the ideas that were interesting or personally meaningful to you.  Is there anything here that will help you as you try to develop, maintain and improve your personal approach to fitness?

10 Misconceptions About Working Out: via HuffPost

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Oh! The places you will go

Dr. Seuss' Oh! The Places That You Will Go! summarizes your PE journey.

PE students at Surrey Connect have choices....and with choices on where to go, also will come challenges and quite likely...setbacks!  This is to be is part of your journey.
"Today is your day. The mountain is waiting. So get on your day!" (Suess,1990)

Write in your reflection about the "road" you are on...or the roads you have passed by, or the roads up ahead!  
Highlights & Challenges...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

you choose the view!

Hi PE students,

did you know you can choose the style of how you would like to view the PE blog?

Try out the different views to see which one you prefer....just hover/click on the black bar at the top of the blog to experience the different formats and select your preference.
And a reminder that you can search back in time to read any blog post and comment here and/or in your reflection journal.

    As always....comments welcomed!...except maybe when I'm confused on how a leaf blower works!

Mr. Avery

Friday, February 1, 2013

PE students: here is a new development in PE 10 at Surrey Connect and I am interested in student feedback.  This is not an active part of the course yet but I would like to add it in the next few weeks.

Review the information below and please respond to me in your reflection journal and/or on this blog ...this would be a great way for all of us to share ideas and think about how this could transform the way students report/share their activities in PE10.  This item would take the place of the activity hrs chart and my thoughts are that it could represent a larger part of the course (20-25%)
I would like to hear comments about this specific idea but would also welcome other suggestions as well.

other suggestion example from a PE10 student and my reply below in green :

"I also noticed this pattern in the logs. In the activity logs, I was required to comment on my approach to the activities, and then discuss it again in more detail in the reflection log. A possible solution to this might be to have students consolidate their thoughts by eliminating the reflection logs, but require an increased level of reflective thinking to be included in the activity log comments."
Maybe change the log format to include space for a reflection comment ....embedded…this is a really good idea!  And provide students more opportunities to make the connections-provide examples to personal management skills

   Personal PE portfolio journal
This multimedia journal is where students can upload pics and videos and other data/apps graphics that showcase their range of physical activity experiences and learning throughout PE10. 
  It is called a “journal” because of the specific location/type of assignment in the blackboard system but  the focus is not on the written word.  Much of the Module work is word .doc based but this portfolio journal is to create a more dynamic web based record of your activities.   You should add items throughout the course as you complete the 5 modules.

 You can do this 2 ways:
  1.  use the web editor tools (on your computer )to insert and edit items (pics/video) when you create a new journal entry.
  2.  Download the blackboard (free) app to your phone and type in Open School BC in the box, add your login id...then explore your PE course..and try adding items into the PE portfolio se the Blackboard Mobile App on your phone or tablet to create a new journal entry that will be added to your personal PE portfolio in your course. NOTE: you can add items in the app on your phone but can't edit them on your can do this on your computer.
Your PE portfolio will be graded on how well you do the following:  Showcase a variety of activities from the 3 activity categories (rhythmic, games, individual/dual) and also from the 3 primary fitness components (cardio/strength/flexibility) that highlight learning and improvement in the areas of  personal fitness, movement skills, and attitudes toward physical activity.