PE students: here is a new development in PE 10 at Surrey Connect and I am interested in student feedback. This is not an active part of the course yet but I would like to add it in the next few weeks.
Review the information below and please respond to me in your reflection journal and/or on this blog ...this would be a great way for all of us to share ideas and think about how this could transform the way students report/share their activities in PE10. This item would take the place of the activity hrs chart and my thoughts are that it could represent a larger part of the course (20-25%)
I would like to hear comments about this specific idea but would also welcome other suggestions as well.
other suggestion example from a PE10 student and my reply below in green :
"I also noticed this pattern in the logs. In the activity logs, I was required to comment on my approach to the activities, and then discuss it again in more detail in the reflection log. A possible solution to this might be to have students consolidate their thoughts by eliminating the reflection logs, but require an increased level of reflective thinking to be included in the activity log comments."
Maybe change the log format to include space for a reflection comment ....embedded…this is a really good idea! And provide students more opportunities to make the connections-provide examples to personal management skills
Personal PE portfolio journal

This multimedia journal is where students can upload pics and videos and other data/apps graphics that showcase their range of physical activity experiences and learning throughout PE10.
It is called a “journal” because of the specific location/type of assignment in the blackboard system but the focus is not on the written word. Much of the Module work is word .doc based but this portfolio journal is to create a more dynamic web based record of your activities.
You should add items throughout the course as you complete the 5 modules.
You can do this 2 ways:
- use the web editor tools (on your computer )to insert and edit items (pics/video) when you create a new journal entry.
- Download the blackboard (free) app to your phone and type in Open School BC in the box, add your login id...then explore your PE course..and try adding items into the PE portfolio se the Blackboard Mobile App on your phone or tablet to create a new journal entry that will be added to your personal PE portfolio in your course. NOTE: you can add items in the app on your phone but can't edit them on your can do this on your computer.

Your PE portfolio will be graded on how well you do the following:
Showcase a variety of activities from the 3 activity categories (rhythmic, games, individual/dual) and also from the 3 primary fitness components (cardio/strength/flexibility) that highlight learning and improvement in the areas of personal fitness, movement skills, and attitudes toward physical activity.