Thursday, December 15, 2011

Middle school PE requirements

While we don't live in the big ol' USA, we share many cultural trends and influences.  The article below highlights some issues and questions for you to consider.

Should government mandate PE in schools? 
 How much PE, what types of activities. and for what grades?  
Think back to your days in the middle school years (gr 6, 7, 8)....what kind of PE experiences did you have?  What was the level of vigorous physical activity in your PE classes ? How did this compare with your PE experience in high school? 
 What should PE classes look like in schools to help promote a positive attitude toward being active + provide  enough benefits that go with regular vigorous activity?
Do you have any other reactions/ thoughts to this article?

Florida children in grades six through eight are required under current law to take one semester of physical education every year, but the state is now considering a bill to eliminate the requirement for that class.
The bill's sponsor, Republican State Rep. Larry Metz, said in an email to ABC News that one of the main reasons behind the proposed law is to leave the decision to offer physical education up to local school districts, not the state. He is not opposed to physical education, he said, and the bill would not affect the current physical education requirement in elementary schools.
"Simply because an idea may have merit for some does not mean that we should use the power of government to mandate it for all," Metz wrote. "Some physically fit and active middle school students might rather use that time in their school day to take another elective."
He added that it was difficult for some schools to accommodate the additional time required for physical education while trying to focus on academic achievement. It would have required lengthening the school day, in some cases, and there was no "additional funding" to do that.
"Since this mandate was passed, K-12 education funding has been significantly reduced," Metz said. "In the current declining revenue environment, I believe it is only fair that some mandates on school districts be removed."
But nutritionists, pediatricians and the American Heart Association are all speaking out against the bill, saying that with obesity affecting 30 percent of the nation's children, cutting back on physical education is dangerous.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fitness Trends for 2012

Wow,  2011 is over already?  I remember that my teen years seemed to go by quite as bit slower than nowadays....but that was in the early 80's so who can remember that far back : )
This is the first entry of my new Blog for Surrey Connect P.E.  The idea is to make connections with students and to present topics/articles /websites for all of us to review.  Students can refer to any of the items posted on this blog and write their comments as a reflection comment in their Surrey Connect P.E. course.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) conducts a yearly survey in order to predict fitness trends for the New Year.  A fitness trend is “a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving” (; whereas, a fitness fad is “a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period” (  Some of the fitness trends for 2011 such as Pilates, stability ball, and balance training did not make the 2012 list; therefore, what was thought to be a fitness trend may have actually been a fad.
Top 20 Fitness Trends for 2012

  • Educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals
  • Strength training
  • Fitness programs for older adults
  • Exercise and weight loss
  • Children and obesity
  • Personal training
  • Core training
  • Group personal training
  • Zumba and other dance workouts
  • Functional fitness
  • Yoga
  • Comprehensive health promotion programming at the worksite
  • Boot camp
  • Outdoor activities
  • Reaching new markets
  • Spinning (indoor cycling)
  • Sport-specific training
  • Worker incentive programs
  • Wellness coaching
  • Physician referrals
some questions to ponder:
Are there any items that you think will not be on next year's list and therefore be considered a fad? (according to the definition above)
Which of these fads/trends would you like to try out or are presently doing?  Provide some details about your experience(s)...positive and /or negative.
Of course you can always just add a comment regarding anything that comes to mind!