Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Gender, activity choices/bias, body image

Why Dudes Should Give Yoga a Try

PE students: Watch both or one of the videos and comment on anything that you think should be emphasized/highlighted from the videos, and /or is an important take away for you personally....perhaps in how you view exercise in relation to overall health? 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Personal Learning in P.E.

Screen Shot 2016-01-30 at 4.53.05 PM

PE Students: Think about your attitude and interest in physical activity. How does your past/present/future  influence what you would like to do and learn in your SAIL PE course?
...and how can the teacher and the course organization/requirements/options help you find success?

I guess part of this answer is also related to the question: What do you think is the purpose of Physical Education? for society...for you?  Suggestions on how it can be organized in schools?

It would be interesting to see some comments posted in this blog and to share ideas.

here is one defintion