Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Best Health and Fitness Apps of 2015/16

PE students: if you had to pick one app to try, which one would you try out?  What kind of app would be of interest you?  What are the reviews and recommendations of others?  How does their perspective affect their recommendations? Which apps appear in a number of the lists?

Here are a few "best of " lists for health and fitness apps. Look for an app that you would like to try out, and comment on the experience of searching/ and perhaps trying out an app that might work well for you.

* perhaps this would be an interesting inquiry project for deeper learning


  1. The 25 best fitness app
    I found this one interesting because I have some of the apps. I think that logging your physical activity is great way to track what you’re doing. Having apps that can log what you’re doing and when you’re doing it can be a great help. I have map my run and it’s been great while tracking my runs, walks, and bike rides. I also have My fitness pal which is great for when I want to be tracking how many calories I’m eating. All in all, I thought the article was very interesting.

  2. 15 best fitness apps;
    The reason i picked this app is because it provides a nourmous amount of varity from tracking your progress and workout time to strength excerise's which are my faviourite. having these apps making your workout 10 times better because not only can you track how your doing in your workout but you can also learn new more diffcult things as your progress physically and mentally

  3. the 25 best fitness apps;
    Having fitness apps on your phone is a great way for tracking how much physical activity you do everyday and they can also track how many calories you take in. One of the apps Fitstar is an app that I think everyone should have on their phone because it customizes workouts based on your fitness levels. This app benefits all different types of people, if you are looking for an intense workout you can customize it to push you. Or if you aren't the most active person this app can motivate you to become more active and to push your self to become a healthier happier person.

  4. 25 best fitness apps;
    Having fitness apps on your phone is a great way for tracking how much physical activity you do everyday and they can also track how many calories you take in. One of the apps Fitstar is an app that I think everyone should have on their phone because it customizes workouts based on your fitness levels. This app benefits all different types of people, if you are looking for an intense workout you can customize it to push you. Or if you aren't the most active person this app can motivate you to become more active and to push your self to become a healthier happier person.

  5. I am happy with the built-in apps on my phone for keeping track of my goals. I can set the type of workout and watch my HR and other components of fitness. I can also map out my bike or walk. I think that I wrote about this in another place; my dad uses MyFitnessPal religiously and really likes it, primarily because he tracks all of his food. The key is to find an app hat measures the fitness aspects that interest you. For skiing, I have a few apps that are specific to that sport. Just recently, I found an app that will generate swim workouts based on goals that you set. I have only tried it once, but I liked it. I can use it with my Apple Watch, but in many places, you are not supposed to swim with a watch for safety reasons.
    The App listed in one of the article that I would try is the Charity Miles. I like the idea of a donation made to a charity for the miles that I walk. Since I would be doing that anyway, it seems like a great way to make a contribution.

  6. 25 best fitness apps was a good article with what looked like a lot of good fitness apps. I have tried a few of the apps that were listed and one that seemed interesting was Jefit workout. They have a variety of different workouts that work for specific muscle groups. Having a fitness app on my phone motivates me because every time I go on my phone I see the app. When I see it,it makes me think about what exercise I have done and what I should be doing. I also really like fitness apps because it usually tracks you progress so you can see what you started off as and what you have changed to. It makes it easier to achieve your goals.

  7. The 25 best fitness apps was a pretty good article, very informative. If i was going to try one i would definitely choose charity miles, i love the idea of helping people while also helping myself, a lil win win, not too mention i feel like it would be great motivation to run more than i usually would. It seems like it is a really great idea and the reviews seem pretty great the only problem was that the interface could use some work, which i think there is a lot worse things that could be wrong haha I think the fact these people want to help others and what the app is doing maybe interferes and covers maybe the actual app related issues there could be, such as maybe like mobility and other stuff like that. but even so those maybe minor problems dont truly matter, when something has a nice cause. I think i would like to look into some other newer apps for 2018 and coming 2019
