Monday, June 4, 2012

Focus on strength!

Don't waste a second on the treadmill

If you have only 30 to 40 minutes to a workout, then every second has to count. You can achieve faster fat loss with resistance training than running. A University of Southern Maine study found that a single set of weight training exercises torches as many calories as running at a 6 minute mile pace for the same amount of time. So for every second you spend lifting weights, your body is expending high amounts of energy.

Tie in the metabolism boost that resistance training provides, you create a much larger metabolic impact that long-distance running does. The added benefit for resistance training that running can't provide are the gains in strength and new lean tissue. A University of North Dakota study also found an additional benefit of resistance training--done correctly, through a proper range of motion, resistance training can also improve flexibility as well or even better than static stretching.

To further increase these benefits, paying attention to your nutritional habits yields greater rewards.

*thanks to Surrey school district PE helping teacher Glenn Young for this info.

The benefits of regular strength exercises to one's overall fitness and health is well known.
But strength does not have to be weightlifting!
  Here is a link to a No Equipment Bootcamp Workout that you can try...give this circuit a try and write about it in your reflection journal.  You can also research other resistance training routines and try one out for your next activity log..
.... remembering that variety is a good thing!

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